
Adsense Secrets

1. What is Adsense ?
I will directly quote Google™ "Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site — or matched to the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts — you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages."
Google™ adds that, "It's also a way for website publishers to provide Google web and site search to their visitors, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages."
That is the most clear and straightforward definition of what Google Adsense™ is. You display ads on your content page using a code that Google™ will give you after you sign up for and adsense account. Once visitors click on any of the ads displayed on your site, Google™ will in turn pay you a certain percentage of what the advertiser pays them. Publishers act like sub-contractors. Google™ is paid to show ads by advertisers, Google™ pays publishers to show those ads on their sites, simple.
You do not need to worry about the ads that will be displayed on your site and whether they will match the content of your pages. Google™ will read the the theme of your pages and serve you with ads that match the contents of your page. The secret to earning good money is displaying high paying keywords on your site which will in return lead to high payouts per click on your site. Another important factor is knowing the size of ads to display and where to display them. Why? Because choosing the wrong ad sizes and placing them in the wrong places will lead to low earnings if no earnings at all. It is an open secret that people searching the internet will mostly click on links placed at certain points and displaying in certain formats. So what is the right size of ads to display? Exactly where should you place those ads?
For more information on how to make money with Google Adsense visit []
Nyasani Gitaa is runs the following websites
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2. Google AdSense For Beginners .


Google AdSense is a way to make money with a website. It's one of the methods, such as affiliate marketing or selling your own products, that niche websites can create a monthly income. The way it works is that a website owner registers with the program, becomes a member there, it doesn't cost anything to participate in AdSense, register with Google, get an account with AdSense, and then you can create ads to go up on your site and these are relative to your content, very simple.
You paste the code in your source code of your website and Google then decides the appropriate ads that go on your web page. It's a very cool deal. There's no need for you to go out and search for relative ads that are related to your content. Google does that for you. Now, the secret to AdSense is not really how you put the ads on, it's not really the colors you use, it's not really the placement or the style of the ads, the real secret to the program and earning an income with that method is traffic. Just like anything else with internet marketing, you have to have a lot of traffic in order to make income, whether you sell physical products or you sell affiliate products or your income model is Google AdSense, traffic is vital.
The website owner absolutely has to know how to pick a niche which they are able to compete and then how to drive free traffic to that website in that niche area. Traffic is vital. So, anyone who succeeds in AdSense understands the process of picking niches and using SEO to get free search engine traffic to their website and the free traffic is vital for AdSense's success.
There is simply no way nowadays to buy traffic to an AdSense site and earn income and make a profit with that traffic using that model. In the past, there were ways to use Adwords for traffic to Adsense sites to generate a positive net gain for your website. However, Google has changed the rules dramatically and has all but prevented that mode of driving traffic to an AdSense website that will result in a profit, so it's vital to learn search engine optimization and how to get that free traffic to your niche website.
Once the free traffic comes, then you can experiment and test with different AdSense placements and colors and types of ads, et cetera, but until the traffic comes, there won't be very much income. Most AdSense sites earn between $5 and $30 per thousand page views, so you can see that it takes quite a number of page views to make much any significant money.
Steve Weber is a certified teacher from Oklahoma who left his education career in 2007 as his online businesses grew. He now spends his time consulting with and teaching new Internet marketers how to succeed online. His website, Steve's Classroom, contains a wide variety of videos and tutorials for building a successful Internet business.
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3.How to Begin Setup of Google AdSense to Begin Profiting .


A lot of people get confused when they hear of this amazing tool named Google AdSense. Google AdSense is a money making software machine that acts as an affiliate pay-per-click program. It has literally taken the Internet by storm and still is by a large measure despite IM enthusiasts/pessimists, however you want t put it. A certain fact is that the lucky few who really know how to tap into the power of this money making internet business are somewhat blessed enigmas.
There are many sites dedicated solely to Google AdSense that can generate healthy, steady incomes. However, making that substantial revenue without a comprehensive system and product is hard to say the least. One product which is great and which uses techniques which really utilizes the power of Google AdSense and SEO would be Bertil Jenner's eye opening product page, the most superior of it's niche by a long stretch. (You can find a find a comprehensive review on the product by going to the link at the bottom of the article).
Google AdSense can also be a good way for small Internet site owner(s) to make sporadic extra money - the possibilities are endless. Using Google AdSense does not require any special knowledge, just a computer and a working web site.
By following the 6 steps below you can set up your website to take AdSense ads and start to earn an extra income.
1. Right, make website and register with a hosting company that provides an integrated website-builder function. They are quick to use and you can create own look with very little know-how. Google publishes a criteria for the web sites they accept to the AdSense program so make your site is about a favourite niche or subject. This way it has a legitimate purpose other than trying to attain revenue from the Google AdSense program.
2. Sign up for the Google AdSense Program and have the following information to hand: website URL, website language, name, address and telephone number.
3. Submit the sign up information. Once all the steps at Google are complete and the policies are read, click the "Submit" button.
4.Activate the Google AdSense account. Upon account approval, an email notification will arrive. Click on the link in the email to activate the AdSense account.
5. Log in to the AdSense account and obtain the HTML code for the approved site. Type in the username and password in the AdSense log in box. Next click on the "AdSense setup" tab. Click on the "AdSense for content" link. Choose the "Ad unit" option in the next screen and select "Continue." And finally select the correct "Ad format" and then choose "Continue."
6. Copy and paste the generated ad code into the appropriate section of the web site. In the grey Google AdSense box there is HTML code to copy into the user web site. Copy that code and place in the appropriate place in the web site.
You can make money online very easily by developing helpful and informative content for your websites that provide what your user is looking for. Be a trusted and a reliable source and Google's bots' will see this. Many pages on a lot of sites display text ads from Google's AdWords program but to display these ads, a site must join Google's AdSense program. Joining is free, but not all sites are eligible to join so it's important you have valuable, informative content. Once you're accepted, however, as a genuine money making software tool it's easy to use, to place ads with and to start generating revenue for your site. AdSense will serve ads that are generally very relevant to the content of a particular page.
These are just the basics and for a more in depth review and anybody seriously looking to increase their incremental online revenue from $300 - $500 + a day using strategic based autopilot, mini-website building revenue streams - check out the review page of a product that is quietly making a lot of young novice marketers very wealthy. Go to
D Q Hillington
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4.Monetization Tips for Your Blog and Make a Living .


You can make money online by selling advertising space on your website. The advertiser gives you a banner ad that you place on your website and then you make money online whenever someone clicks through to the advertiser. If you have a website that generates a lot of traffic, you can also make money online by charging a fee for advertising space.
Monetization Tips for Your Blog.
Who wouldn't want to earn some from his or her blogging efforts? Definitely not you, right? In this fast-paced life many would surely appreciate spreading their income sources and that include their trusty blogs.
So, how do you actually go about making money from your blog? Blog monetization, in terms of profitability depends on what kind of blog you are maintaining. If it is a personal blog with posts on almost anything under sun, the monetization process may take more effort than niche blogs that only tackle one field or niche. But if you are popular enough, talking even just about your Chihuahua will still make you earn some moolah.
Now, if you're not Paris Hilton, here are some tips on how monetize your blog:
1. Put some value to your blog first.
A blog is not worth monetizing if it's all crap. If it's a bunch of ummms and ahhhs, like some dumb@45 owns it, attempts to earn from it might be too rigorous. So, do your best on putting some helpful information in it. Don't be too fickle-minded when blogging as this will make people forget about your blog. If you want more traffic (which should be your major goal if you want more revenue for your blog), post regularly.
According to my experience you will be getting approx. 0.10 - 0.15$ per click made on ads. The advertisement you will get it is called as Pay per Click Ads. It means you will get money for each and every click(s) made to that ads, the more user will click on your ads more you earn.
Don't follow other's footstep. Find your own way .You can create a new market, product or service then you can sell in online or offline. If you give quality with reliability then people will purchase your product or service. Profit Lance has taken the internet marketing world by storm! My reviews at
As with any way to make money, the best way of making money online is to follow your passions. First find something you love to do, then find a way to use it for making money online.
2. Promote your blog like there's no tomorrow.
But don't be a spamming clown. Others try the backfire method of making their blogs known through leaving spam comments to other blogs. This usually annoys other bloggers and you may even end up in their banned lists. Participating with other blogs through giving out resourceful reactions will do the trick. Forums and other e-groups can help you in this endeavor, too.
3. Put in the money-making products.
Sell your products through your blog or help others sell their products through referral or affiliate programs. Displaying pay per click advertisement links can also augment your monetization feat. Google Adsense, Clicksor and YP are some of the best PPC program candidates. Amazon and E-bay have affiliate programs that might boost your income from your blog.
Have you established your blog well enough that links from your blog could be of great value to other e-businesses or bloggers? You might want to consider selling text links. TLA or Text Link Ads, Text Link Brokers and Adbrite are some of these text link markets that can help you sell your precious link spaces.
Those tips should arm you well enough on how work it out on your blog monetization endeavor.
The nice thing is after you get a system in place that works for you making money on the internet is the easiest money you will ever make. More on Profit Lance and Profit Lance System .
To make money online, you obviously need certain equipment and the ability to keep it serviceable. A lot of people online do not budget for sudden mishaps or loss of service, or computer problems.
An average internet user comes around numerous Ads during his surfing. Majority of these Ads are of money-making or work at home programs. Have you ever wondered how these companies get so much money to distribute it among people?
Silas powell is an internet entrepreneur, and earns a living by marketing affiliate programs on pay-per-click search engines and promoting Google's AdSense. Get all the information at []
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5.Earning With Google AdSense - Hot Tips.


Do you want to earn from your website or blog? Definitely every webmaster wants to earn online. You can earn from Google AdSense if you have a website or blog. Earning $$ with Google AdSense is not tough at all. It will only take few minutes to apply for Google AdSense account. But you should read AdSense terms and conditions before opening your account. You just need to fill up the form asking for details like website url, language, payment details and home address. After, you account is approved you can get html code to place on your website or blog. This will result in appearing ads on your website /blogs. But this earning is not high while you have just started with it.
However, earning will increase day by day and it is based upon how you market your blog and it is recommended to market your blog following AdSense terms and conditions. You can't request your visitors to click on Google ads anywhere on your website. Quality organic traffic will definitely increase chances of earning.
Earning with Google AdSense needs lot of patience and you can handle your website in different ways. You can sell products there by displaying products reviews like selling laptops, e-books, mobile, TVs etc. All this is based upon how you market your blog to get targeted traffic.
Here are some tips I would like to share with you for increasing income with Google AdSense.
1. After getting approval for Google AdSense account. Add this line in robot.txt file.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow:
This will make sure to display relevant ads on your website matching with content.
2. Your ad should look like a normal content. Use color palette for choosing color which matches with your website colors.
3. Don't use on pages with no content, pop-up windows and pages with errors.
4. There should be maximum two search boxes, two referral buttons and one ad link on each page.
5. It is better to add 250x250 on top left corner of each page and wrap the text around ads to make it part of the page. This will increase click through rate.
Shahzad is interested in writing on online business topics, to find more useful tips you can visit adsense tips [] and seo tips [].
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6. Make $100 a Day From Your Blog.


Making $100 a day from your blog is really easy. In fact, you should feel very dumb if you're not.
A successful person makes reasonable goals and achieves them.
If you want to be successful in anything you have to make short-term and long-term goals. The same thing goes for making money from your blog. You have to force yourself to create the goals and do everything you can to achieve them. Sometimes, that might mean staying up an extra few hours at night or even missing sleep entirely.
A list of reasonable daily blog goals (you can decide how many days a week)
By the end of today I will have......
1. Written at least two blog posts
2. Responded to all comments left on my blog
3. Visited the websites of the people who left comments on my blog and will have posted a comment on theirs.
4. Visited other blogs in my niche, will have left appropriate comments and will have built a relationship.
5. Started an email relationship with at least one other blogger.
6. Met my monetary goal for the day
7. Found a way to add at least 10 subscribers to my newsletter list. (This is a very important step if you are going to leave stage 1)
8. Found some way to get at least 1 - 2 backlinks to my site.
Reasonable daily monetary goals
In the beginning it is reasonable to set a low monetary goal. But as time goes by, $100 a day is not hard at all. Below I am going to list the different stages of monetization.
Stage 1: Between $1 - $5 a day
Most of your money is going to be made through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. This would include programs such as Adsense and AuctionAds.
Stage 2: Between $5 - $20 a day
At this point, you should be consistently making a few dollars a day from advertising programs on your blog. If you are following the above daily steps, you should have a consistent readership of your blog. This means that your Alexa ranking and your Search Engine rankings are getting you to a point where you can start to get paid to write reviews of products or websites.
There are a few ways to get money by doing reviews. The easiest way is to post in forums a lot and use a signature. Your signature can say something like "I will review your site on my blog, PM for details.
When you first start doing reviews, you might have to do a few for free. Then you can start charging $5 - $10 per review. If your customer is satisfied, they will probably pay you to review their other websites. (In the beginning it might be worthwhile to exchange reviews).
Stage 3: Between $20 - $50 a day
By this time, your Alexa ranking should be 100,000 or lower and your Google PR should be at 5. If this is true about your site, you can start charging people for putting links on your site. A link on a PR5 site should run about $5/month. A review on a high traffic blog can cost anywhere from $10 - $20 Your blog is also at a stage where you can start selling banner ads.
In stage 3 you are going to have a pretty good following. This is a following that is now starting to trust you. This is a good time to start promoting affiliate programs. As long as the affiliate programs you are promoting are in your niche, you should be making a lot of money. Don't forget to advertise your affiliates in your newsletter.
Stage 4: Between $50 - $100 a day
You have probably been following the above steps for at least 7 months to a year. Your Google PR is at 6, your Alexa ranking is lower than 50,000 and you are ranking pretty high on some keywords in the search engines.
In stage 4 you are making decent money. You have become a professional blogger and a trusted member of your community. You are ready to create an ebook on how you make $50 - $100 a day. At this point, people are ready to pay you for consultations and will definitely pay you more money for reviews and advertising space.
It is time to write information products on "tips and secrets" in your niche.
Stage 5: $100 and over a day
You are now almost a Guru in your field. You have finished your information products and have submitted them to affiliate sites like Clickbank. You now have people selling your products for you and visiting your blog on a daily basis.
Because of your success medium size websites and podcasters want to interview you. You are on your way to being able to quit your day job. You are ready to start other blogs and start making a "killing".
Your Short-Term Goals
Your short-term goals are the 5 stages I listed above. Once you have reached a particular stage, you need to write in the exact date you expect to reach the next stage. Not only do you have to write the date, you have to achieve the goal by that date.
Are you looking for a step by step guide to making money on the Internet? If so, drop by my website make money online free at
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7. Tips for Enhancing Your AdSense.


Tip no.1: Searching Your Keywords
Before you start showing ads you should always analyze the keywords on the targeted page, there are several tools that help you to get the keyword density of a page. List all these keywords in a text file and look closely what the keywords are.
Tip no.2: Enhance Your Keywords
Now as you have the list of the keywords of your page, you should try to improve those for this purpose you can use Google AdWords tool, it will help you with enhancing your keywords, put all keywords that you saved for your page in AdWords and when it gives suggestions save those in a different text file.
Tip no.3: Focus on a Niche
Now, as you have the keyword suggestions, use those to improve your pages and make your website focus on a niche because AdSense is keyword based advertising so the more enhanced keywords you have the more good ads and good clicks you get. Add your keywords to the title of your blog or website and in the posts and title of the posts, this will enhance the overall keyword density o f your page.
Tip no.4: Add Content Frequently
Content is the king, so you must add new content daily or within a frequent time frame, because the more new content you add the more popularity you get among Search engines and let me be frank, AdSense Digs search engine rankings.
Tip no.5: Choosing the Right Format for AdSense
This is an important tip for new AdSense users', choosing a right format is the key to success via AdSense, wider formats give good exposure but you can experiment with different formats that suite your content. The top three AdSense formats are:
1. 336x280 large rectangle
2. 300x250 medium rectangle
3. 160x600 wide skyscraper
468x15 horizontal ad links format is the best trick you can put it under the title of your posts and it looks like the content of your post and it gets much clicks because people think that these are links provided by you.
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8. Best Way to Make Money Online With AdSense.


First of all choose your interest for a blog. Health, fashion, beauty, internet, blogging etc. anything will be okay. Once you finalize the main subject choose an appropriate keyword which has some SEO value (a keyword which is being searched by people) use Google AdWords keyword tool for finding this. For example 'make money from blogs'. Also add 2-3 more keywords (better long tail keywords ex: how to make money online, make money online from blogs etc. which should have your main keyword as well)
Create a free blog with WordPress or blogger if you don't have one already. Think about your keyword and develop a 400+ word article (blah blah blah is okay but remember to make sure that your content is having minimum keyword density 5-10% (for ex; here I'm using the keyword best way to make money online. Similarly you try to put the keyword 2-3 times at least inside the content. Make a few more posts whenever you have free time.
Start promoting your blog. Whenever you make an update (blog post) don't forget to ping it. (use services like pingomatic, etc.) Go to discussion forums and talk about your blog. Encourage people to visit your blog. Try to create some news submissions on sites, etc where your news with blog link will be distributed on the net and you will get lots of traffic as well. That's all. You can see the increase in the number of clicks you get per day gradually.
My Do's and Don't do's
* Update your blog recently.
* Add interesting content so that people will come again and again
* Whenever you get a chance to talk about your blog do that.
* Try to concentrate on Press releases and forums to bring more traffic.
* Don't make too much promotional or spammy content this will make your best way to make money online the worst way.
* Stick on AdSense terms of services
* Don't ask people to click on your ads
Find a helpful ebook about AdSense and blogging for free here -
for further information about making money online with a blog through adsense you may refer - Make money online
Working with NewGenre Business Solutions. Experienced with various methods of online jobs. A successful 'online business establisher' Now handling NewGenre Business Directory and job forum. Also blogging about seo and business.
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9. How to Make Money from Google Adsense.


Google Adsense is quickly becoming one of the top ways of earning an income on the Internet. For those who are unfamiliar with it, Google Adsense is a program run by Google which allows you to place relevant ads on your web site. Whenever someone clicks on those ads, you get paid. And paid very well.
Advertisers pay Google a fee to have their own ads shown on web sites that are related to what they are advertising. Depending on what the category is, the fee could be somewhere around a few dollars per click. Google will not admit this publicly, but it has been widely believed that with Adsene, Google will pay you around 50% for each and every click. This sometimes ends up being $1.00+!
The ads are usually very inviting to web site visitors so you will definitely get plenty of clicks. Google does have some pretty strict rules about Adsense, however. You want to make sure you abide by them or they will deactivate your account.
There is a web site that has thousands of pre-made web sites for you to download that are optimized for Google Adsense and making money. They update themselves automatically and follow all of Google's terms. There is really no limit with the amount of money you will be able to make from these pre-made sites. Be sure to check out the pre-made web sites. They pay for themselves many, many times over again! []
Kurt Lambert is a college student who currently makes $1,000/month. Be sure to check out his web site at [].
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10. Google AdSense - How Do You Get Approved For AdSense Program by Google?


Every webmaster can join Google AdSense program, but Google does not accept every webmaster in AdSense program. There are some tricks to get approval for AdSense program. Google shows their AdSense policies and rules, but they do not publish details of approval process.
So, how do you get approved for AdSense program?
# 1. Read Google Policies: First and must you have to do is to read AdSense policies carefully. Google always updates their policies, so, you must read their policies before submitting your website for AdSense program. After that you should make your website which follows every policy of them.
# 2. Content - The key factor: Second must thing you have to do is to make rich your website with content. We can not say exactly how Google disapprove you for AdSense program, but it is sure that if your website has not enough content, you will be disapproved. Also, you content must be good in quality. And that they do not copycat of other websites. Google does not like junk contents and a website which solely promote its own products. So, you should also concern that your contents must be informative. If you run business website then you should have informative articles and analysis about your business niche. Providing data for your business and business program is pretty smart for both your business and AdSense. The best way to build contents is to post 40 to 50 high quality informative articles of 400 to 500 words each at your website. If you feel that you are not able to write 40 to 50 articles then you can hire someone who writes for you. For this you should go to freelancer sites where you will get plenty of professional writers. They will offer you articles writing services for as little as $1 for each article.
# 3. Traffic: Google does not tell you about traffic. But a lot of experts say that Google doesn't accept a website which has no traffic or a little traffic. So, be sure about your traffic and your traffic resources. Write some forums, post some ads on free classifieds and submit some articles on article directories before submitting your website to Google for AdSense program. Make sure your website has substantial source of traffic.
# 4. Have a professional look: Give your website a professional look. Make typical 'Home', 'About us', 'Contact us' and 'Disclaimer' pages. This will give your website a professional look. Also, choose professional website templates and concern about background colors.
Maybe there are many other ways to get approved for AdSense, but above are the simplest and easiest ways. Hope you will get approved.
A lot of people work hard but they get very low price. Google AdSense is like a business and you can make huge AdSense money by doing SMART work - not HARD work. Want to know how? Download a FREE ebook. Click Here
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11. Google AdSense - How Much Can You Make With AdSense?


With all the much publicized stories on the internet of people showing off about how much you can make with AdSense, I fear for all the AdSense newbies who may be getting skewed expectations.
Website owners & bloggers everywhere seem to be making tens of thousands of dollars a month with Google AdSense, however whilst undoubtedly people are making a lot of money, as a newbie can you really make money with Google AdSense.
So the answer to the question "How Much Can You Make With AdSense " could be a lot more than you think possible but on the other hand a lot less than you would expect initially. Interestingly estimates are that AdSense publishers make roughly between $5 - $10 per page per year. So if your site has a thousand pages you can expect to make $10,000 a year with AdSense - sounds easy but unfortunately things are not always as easy as they may seem.
For instance pages consisting of just 2 sentences won't attract much traffic or clicks on your ads - so the pages need to be interesting and attract website visitors. In the end what it all boils down to is traffic.
Assuming your site is in a reasonably popular niche, and not one that wouldn't even be able to attract AdSense ads, and that your ads are reasonably optimized all you need is website traffic & a reasonable CTR (Click Through Rate).
So to really start making money with AdSense you need to set up a blog or website in a niche that has a reasonable following & interest, add stacks of pages of compelling content and get it optimized for search engine traffic.
Once it is established start placing AdSense ads on each page of your blog or website - the placement is important so try & keep the ads above the fold for starters. Also have a look at Google's heat map which will show you the placement areas on your web page where your ads are most likely to be seen & clicked on.
The color and integration of your ads is also important - they should not look obviously like adverts which your site visitors may be averse to clicking on. So get the above things right and you could be on your way to making more money than you would expect with AdSense.
P.S. - Find out How You Can Make $500 a Day With AdSense by Using These 6 AdSense Secrets here.
The author, a university graduate, is a successful businessman and entrepreneur exploring various Free Online Business StartUp ideas.
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12. 4 Elements to Make Your Blog More Successful.


Blogging has become very popular on the internet. The search engines love blogs because they are always getting updated fresh content. Well, the successful blogs are always giving the search engines updated fresh content.
You can get a free blog with blogger or Wordpress. They will even host your blog for you. But if you really want a successful blog then I suggest that you get your own domain name and hosting service. Be sure to get a hosting service with access to your cpanel and has Fantastico. Click on the Fantastico icon and you can install a Wordpress blog on your site in minutes with a few clicks on your part.
Installing Wordpress on your own domain gives you total control of your blog. If you have your blog on the Wordpress domain your blog can be deleted without notice and then you will have lost everything.
Now that you have a blog, here are 4 elements to a successful blog
1. Get a theme for your Wordpress blog.
You can use the generic theme that Wordpress supplies or you can get a theme that is designed for your niche. Your blog will look much more professional and people will come back to visit your blog. You can find free Wordpress themes by searching in google.
2. Content
You need your blog full of useful unique content. This is the best way to keep your readers interested and keep coming back to your blog. At first, try and put a new post on the blog everyday. After you have a good amount of useful unique content, then you can scale back to 2 or 3 times a week. In your content educate your readers about your niche and find problems that most people in your niche are having. Research the solutions to the problems and post them on your blog.
3. Give away a free report
Have an opt in box and make them give you there name and email address. This way you can start building a subscriber list and you can email them more information about your niche and also tell them about affiliate products they can buy which gives you a commission on each sale.
4. Monetize your blog with Adsense
Google AdSense displays ads that are relevant to the content on your blog. This is very important because the visitors to your blog will be interested in the ads that are being displayed. It is a win-win situation for everybody. The visitor clicks on the ad to find the information he/she is looking for and you get a paid for the click.
When putting AdSense ads on your Wordpress blog, I would recommend that you find a Wordpress theme that already has the ads in the code. Good Wordpress AdSense templates will have the ads in the high click areas.
Now that you know what you need to do to have a successful blog-wouldn't you like to have your own blog? Get 100 Wordpress AdSense templates in profitable niches and a starter kit with video tutorials, ebooks and software. Get the full story and reap the rewards by going to:
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