
Wednesday, 21 December 2011

What is Google:

First of all you must have to know that what is Google. Google is a Search engine in which you can search about every topic you just have open the and write in it what you want and google give you desired results.In other words we can say that its a platform where we can find everything which we want about any product,topics,Technology etc..       

And few years ago Google Launch its Program Adsense its create the revolution in the internet World. Adsense is the program from Which millions of people had changed their life and millions of people earn up to 10000$ a month. Don't Worry you can also earn like that amount but it require lots of hard work. Very hot days and extreme nights but when u reach that level then you just sit at your home and enjoy your life.

In TV we see millions of Companies are selling their products and Spend billions of Dollars on Advertisement and on the internet millions of company spending billions of dollars to sell their products and they paid money to google for advertisement.                                                                                                                                                       

There is a question why they pay to Google. When you make any search on Google or other search engine the advertisement u see on the top and on the right side of screen these all are sponsered and when anyone click on these links then they have to pay to google for advetisement So this the logic behind this and Adsense is the program when you approved from it they give you codes and when these codes you paste on your website they automaticaly converts into ads and when anybody visit your site and click on these and the company will pay to google for advertisement and google will pay you proportionate amount of that advertisement .So this is Cycle of Google Adsense.


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